Vietnam Air Support
id: CAL-01-0156
format: HD
location: Vietnam
Covers close air support by F-4s and A-4s in support of USMC operations. Includes several strikes very close to friendly positions. l) Group of marines with Viet Cong prisoner. 2) F-4s and A-4s in passes over ridge followed by bomb explosions on hillside. 3) Marines watching close air support strikes. 4) Hut burning. 5) Marines searching Viet Cong camp and viewing bomb damage. 6) Marine holding badly damaged rifle. 7) Marines walking through elephant grass and rice paddy. 8) Bomb explosions on ridge. 9) Marine officer looking at map and talking on field radio. 10) A-4 in passes over area. 11) F-4 in passes over area and firing rockets.