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We found 16510 clips for your query
man lighting a firework in his butt
man dancing and falling
Dog dancing to music
Trying to ride a bike down stairs fail
Boys somersaulting into water
Woman falling off boat
man urinating on chair
Man with firework attached to his head
Fireworks going off inside a house
Dog running in snow
Man drinking beer while riding his motorbike
Turkeys running
man pouring drink into his friends mouth while holding onto a golf cart
Man throwing beer to friend
man running down hill and failing
Man opening beer can with a dildo
man driving a golf cart into man
man runs into a man holding a fire stick
man throwing ice into glass
man jumps into mud
Drunk man falls on the floor
Boy opens beer bottle with his bike wheel
Boy drunk on grass
Boy falls off bike at party
Drunk man trying to walk across the roofs of cars
Man running through closed door
man driving a golf cart into man
Dog trying to hold onto branch
Boy jumping from roof onto table
Boy opening beer can by hitting it on his friend
Man snorting a condom up his nostril then bring it out of his mouth
Naked man in shop
man wearing beer cans
Boy urinating on his furniture
man urinating against wall
Dog playing on swing
Dog playing with toy
Man jumping from rocks and fail
Dog in truck with sunglasses on
Man drinking candle wax and spitting it out
Man throwing knife at beer can
man holding onto flag pole drinking beer
women eating a sausage
Drunk man falls backwards off chair
Drunk man falls over
Boy tries to jump across marina but fails
Boy doing strange things
man sleeping in back of car
Man poring drink through funnel which his friend drinks
man in underwear falling backwards into a cupboard
Tortoise walking with a stool on his back
Dog opening a can of beer that his owner drinks
man jumps from roof
Cat sneezing
Man being sick after drinking
Man being used as a puppet by his friends
Boy lighting another man's jacket on fire
man throwing to women into the river
cat playing with toy
man being hit over the head with a glass bottle
man falls from tree
man drinking and falling off boat
Lighting a firework in butt
Catching and drinking a beer while water skiing
man trying to scooter on a treadmill
Men doing tricks on motorbike
man running on train and falling
Excitable puppy sitting on woman's lap
woman spitting petrol onto fire
Man downing a whole bottle of alcohol
Woman is walking in shop and drops excrement.
man standing on bench and falls over
Jumping from a trampoline fail
Dog making funny noises
Firework in butt while drinking
Dog watching advert for protection of dogs
woman trying to jump across table bit failing
woman trying to jump from roof to pool but failing
Dog sitting and watching TV
man running and hitting sign posts
Man urinating on train
Dogs playing in snow with a ball
Dog enjoying sprinkler
Man trying to jump over parking meter but failing
Man slapping another man
Dog being dragged by string
man being dragged by car
man holding onto street light fail
Dog panting at window
Man drinking a keg of beer
man drinking beer and jumping into river
woman slips on floor
Men using axes to open up keg's of beer
dogs jumping up to see television
man hurting himself when falling from boat
Dad threatening to shoot girls friends
Man tries to swing across river. fail
Boy catches a golf ball in mouth and shoots it to cup
Woman running after man fail
man jumps from trash cart onto glass table
man lighting a firework in his butt
Woman falling asleep and falling
1 ... 22 23 24 25 26 ... 162
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