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We found 16510 clips for your query
man playing in water
Man tries to skateboard down a ramp but fails
Sleeping kid in class carlos
Teenager skate park fail
Teen jumps stack light green chairs
Chainsaw Fail! Remember Not to Stand Under the Tree You Are Cutting Down!
Drill Fail
Risky Crane demolition
Sawhorse Fail
Smoking two construction workers
Helmet beer smash
boy slips on some rocks
Tree branch hits ladder guy watches
Termite infested tree falls on fence
Teen jumps stack light green chairs
Taekwondo slip
Kicking beer cans fail
Go Kart Roll
So this happened in the garden today.
Siblings Bump Heads
Crossbar soccer ball hit head
Boy fails at catching a ball
soccer ball fail
Pushing Kid off of bridge
Car in reverse at traffic light
Riding a bike over Fire
Blow dart to the chest at party
Dog licking empty container
Drinking beer out of glove
Two men fighting in a restaurant
man jumping across table
Man using gun to open champagne bottle
man breaks beer can over friends head which he then drinks
Guy smokes pot out of a car head rest
Dog on treadmill
Man showing his naked bottom twerking
Lamb chewing on shoelace
Naked man invading a football match
Man light a lighter in friends face
Man opening beer bottle and the lid flick into his eye
man holding onto golf cart while his friend drives it
man fails at hanging onto railings
woman dancing strangely at a party
man jumping from the top of caravan and breaking a table
man jumping for stair rail and falling
man slides out of pool
man jumping into wheelie bin and failing
man tries to hit his head on bus shelter
Drunk woman slips in bedroom
Guy hits golf ball from his butt crack
Man hits golf ball, drinks beer and jumps into lake
Man throwing ball at friend on bike
Man sleeping with food all over him
Firework Butt
Man trying to jump over crates but fails
Drunk man breaks table
Man dives into river fail
Drunk man breaks table
Man trying to steal beer fail
Man falling in restaurant
Man jumping into pool fail
Couple being caught having sex in a portaloo
Man breaking door with his head
Man urinating on money in toilet
Man breaking a pineapple over friends head
Using a staple gun on someones forehead
man breaks a beer bottle on his head and he starts to bleed
Man sleeping in a hedge
man jumping on kitchen table fail
Man putting a snail in beer and drinking it
man sleeping in a cupboard
Man throwing beer to friend
Man stuck in a golf cart in a ditch
man riding a bike over fire fail
woman being sick out of car door
Man riding bike down stairs fail
Man trying to do a somersault fail
man lighting a firework in his butt
Man jumping in to pool fail
man driving a golf cart into man
men sliding down slide fail
man playing drums while drinking beer
Man surfing down stairs fail
Drinking flaming shot fail
man dropping lime into drink
man rolling over fire fail
man driving a golf cart into man
man shooting beer can which
man jumping into pool from roof
man drinking beer and jumping into river
man drinking while surfing
man throwing firework fail
Crow opening beer can
woman opening slipping while opening drinks
man opening beer can with a lawn mower
Boy trying ride a motorbike down a escalator but failing
Man drinking beer and running through door fail
Naked man trying to get into house
woman trying to flip a cup on her stomach fail
Drunk woman going to toilet in the street
man smoking on train fail
Gorilla eating his own snot in zoo
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