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Manufacturing and the Free Movement of Workers in Europe (1962)
Look at Life - Common Market
6K Aerials of shipping port: Top down over crane moving
View from back of moving ferry across ocean 8K
6K Aerials of shipping port: Container lifted by crane
6K Aerials of shipping port: Tilt down into hull of ship
POV back of moving sea-ferry across English Channel. 8K
Bristol Docks and River Avon - Aerial Rushes
POV back of moving sea-ferry across open ocean. 8K
6K Aerials of shipping port: Stack of containers
View from back of ferry across British Channel 8K
6K Aerials of shipping port: Slow rising shot over containers
6K Aerials of shipping port: Flying over stacks of containers
GV's of Belfast
Lorries loaded with beer barrels
6K Aerials of shipping port: Stack of containers between crane legs
6K Aerials of shipping port: L-R past huge container ship
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: orbit around bow of HUGE ship
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Row of cranes
6K Felixstowe Container Port at night. Rushes 4
Large Freeway Bridge and docks - aerial rushes
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Aerial rushes of HUGE Chinese ship
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Cinematic fast paced flying over port on zoom
8K. View from deck of ship of DFDS passenger ferry leaving port.
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Automated crane grabbing container
POV from car ferry white cliffs of Dover - 8K RAW
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Container lifted out from hull of ship
Wide shot Felixstowe Container Port at night. 6K
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Aerial rushes of container stacks
Exiting Port de Calais in France. Moving ferry POV: 8K
Leaving Calais by Ferry. 8K Boat POV
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Stunning shot following truck and container lifted in one sequence
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Right in amongst the container stacks
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: high wide over port
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Tight of container lifter from rows
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Rising reveal over container stacks
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Automatic crane lifting container out of hull
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Container lowered on flat bed truck
6K Felixstowe Container Port at night. Rushes 7
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Dawn of ship being loaded
6K Felixstowe Container Port at night. Rushes 3
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Orbit up and around hull of ship
Hazy sunshine of white cliffs of dover from channel ferry 8K
8K. POV from ferry approaching white cliffs of Dover, England
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Pull out over container stacks
8K. View from deck of ship of DFDS passenger ferry arriving at Port de Calais
6K Aerials of Felixstowe container port: Slow pull back from crane
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Container lifted by crane onto ship
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Semi driving through stacks
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Multiple trucks along unloading containers
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Crane lifting from hull to truck below
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Line of cranes as container lowered on to truck bed
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: View from water of container lifted from ship
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Container lowered on to truck bed
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Drone running on ground
Tanker at sea
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Containers lined up on ship
POV from moving car ferry approaching white cliffs of Dover - 8K RAW
6K Felixstowe Container Port at night. Rushes 6
6K Felixstowe Container Port at night. Rushes 5
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Automatic crane lowered into hull of ship
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Mid shot of container lifted from ship
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Wide of huge container ship at port
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: High wide over port and quay
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Top down view over truck
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Top down over crane and waters edge
Felixstowe Port at night Aerial Rushes 7
Felixstowe Port at dawn Aerial Rushes 8
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Top down view of container lifted from hull
Moving ferry POV in wide open ocean: 8K
6K Felixstowe Container Port at night -forklift loading containers
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Container lifted into ship at sunrise
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: High wide of ship down to cranes
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Head on view of container lifted
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: High wide of huge cranes
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Port side of ship view
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Tug boat by Chinese mega ship
8K GVs of Port de Calais car ferry port
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Flying around bow of HUGE ship with container stacks
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: High wide of container ship down to truck on ground
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Tilt down view over cargo ship
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Orbit as crane lifts container from cargo ship
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Rising reveal over rows of container stacks
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Port of Felixstowe sign on crane
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Slow descent over rows of container stacks
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Flying fast over container stacks
Tanker at sea
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Suicide view over containers
Wide shot of Dover harbor and ferry port. Boat POV in 8K
Town with harbor
Two teenagers of different races on cross channel ferry 8K
Exiting Port de Calais in France. Moving ferry POV: 8K
8K Calais Gvs: Trucks driving off car ferry into France
Entering Dover harbor and ferry port. Boat POV in 8K
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: High wide of haulage trucks moving through port
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Slow descent over huge metal cranes over ship
8K. View from deck of ship of DFDS passenger ferry leaving port.
POV from viewing deck along ferry guard rail towards UK. 8K
Forklift moving containers at Felixtowe port at night. 6K Rushes
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Rows of cranes taking containers off HUGE ship
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Aerial rushes of HUGE container ship from China
6K Aerials Port of Felixstowe: Container lifted off ship at sunrise
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