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We found 54 clips for your query
Milk cart Clarence Way Chalk Farm London England
Fly over of small red fishing boat in mud towards white chalk cliffs - Drone 4K
Clarence Street
Uffington White Horse - Aerial Rushes
Seaford in Sussex - Aerial Rushes 3
Prehistoric White Horse - Aerial Rushes
Prehistoric White Horse Church Reveal - Aerial Rushes
Seaford in Sussex - Aerial Rushes 2
Seaford in Sussex - Aerial Rushes 4
White Cliffs (1953)
White cliffs - Beachy Head
White cliffs - Beachy Head
White cliffs - Beachy Head
White cliffs - Beachy Head
White cliffs - Beachy Head
White cliffs - Beachy Head
White cliffs - Beachy Head
White cliffs - Beachy Head
MONTAGE Baseball player blowing ball foul
White cliffs - Beachy Head
White cliffs - Beachy Head
White cliffs - Beachy Head
White cliffs - Beachy Head
White cliffs - Beachy Head
White cliffs - Beachy Head
White cliffs - Beachy Head
White cliffs - Beachy Head
White cliffs - Beachy Head
Folkestone Harbor and Town - Slow reveal and push in - Drone 4K
White cliffs - Beachy Head
White cliffs - Beachy Head
Two teenagers of different races on cross channel ferry 8K
White cliffs - Beachy Head
POV from moving car ferry approaching white cliffs of Dover - 8K RAW
Folkestone Harbour Wall and Sign - Drone 4K
Hazy sunshine of white cliffs of dover from channel ferry 8K
8K. View from deck of ship of DFDS passenger ferry arriving at Port de Calais
Flying towards harbor entrance - Folkestone - Drone 4K
POV from car ferry white cliffs of Dover - 8K RAW
Folkestone Cliffs and Harbour - Drone 4K Rushes
POV from Ferry. Arriving into Dover harbor. 8K
Amazing white fluffy clouds over British coastline. 4K GoPro handheld
Orbital of Pink Floating House 2 - Folkestone - Drone 4K
Wide shot of Dover harbor and ferry port. Boat POV in 8K
8K. View from deck of ship of DFDS passenger ferry leaving port.
POV from viewing deck along ferry guard rail towards UK. 8K
Folkestone Harbor and Town - High Wide Views - Drone 4K
8K. View from deck of ship of DFDS passenger ferry leaving port.
8K. POV from ferry approaching white cliffs of Dover, England
Seagull along: White cliffs of dover from channel ferry 8K
Orbital of Pink Floating House - Folkestone - Drone 4K
Entering Dover harbor and ferry port. Boat POV in 8K
Entering Dover harbor and ferry port. Boat POV in 8K
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