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We found 28 clips for your query
Pan of manicured garden and architectural home in India. 4K
Fir Tree with leaves blowing in wind.
4K Kashmir Rushes: View of tourist boat along water from manicured hotel lawn
Rushes: 2.7k Vineyard Sequence over rows of grape vines.
Drone Aerials of Knebworth House 2.7k 24fps
Drone Aerials of Knebworth House 2 - 2.7k 24fps
Drone reveal of Playwright George Bernard Shaw's Country Estate in UK
High aerial view - Playwright George Bernard Shaw's Residence
Establishing shot - Playwright George Bernard Shaw's Residence
Drone Rushes: Playwright George Bernard Shaw's Residence
Exclusive Multi-Million Dollar Homes - Drone Descending shot
Upper Middle Class Homes - Suburban Housing - Drone Rushes UHD
Establishing shot through trees - Entrance view to Playwright George Bernard Shaw's Residence
Drone Rushes: Entrance view to Playwright George Bernard Shaw's Residence
Military soldier patrolling grounds of tourist gardens in Srinagar, India. 4K
4K Fast Aerial approach towards Lois Angeles Skyline over wealthy homes
Entrance Gate to "Shaw's Corner" George Bernard Shaws Residence
Drone: side view through trees to Playwright George Bernard Shaw's Residence
Military soldiers patrolling grounds of tourist gardens in Srinagar, India. 4K
Top-Down view of wealthy mansions in Los Angeles Suburb - Drone 4K
Wealthy Suburb of Los Angeles - Drone Rushes 4K
Small Holding Farm and Mountain Lake, Utah
Drone flies left to right with views across farm and mountain lake, Utah.
Drone Reveal of Stunning Mountain lake, Utah - 4K
Drone reveal Farm Small Holding and Mountain Lake - 4K
Fast low approach towards small farm holding and buildings, Utah. 4K
4K Slow descending shot over small holding farm and American Flag, Utah
English Country House - Drone GVs - Rushes - BRoll
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