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We found 39 clips for your query
Vince Clarke from Erasure hang gliding. Tommy Boyd interveiw with his band member Andy Bell
Elvis Costello intervew with Anne Diamond
Madonna Interview on TVAM - Part 5
Interview with Martin Sheen Talks about fatherhood
Elvis Costello intervew with Anne Diamond
Billy Idol Talks about his new album Charmed life
As concern over Mad Cow disease grows Beatrice Hoer talks to Tim Lang from The Parents for Safe Food Organisation
Elton John sits down with Anne Diamond and Mike Morris to discuss his new album
Ken Livingstone talks to Anne Diamond on becoming the new MP for Brent East
Johnny Cash talks to Mike Morris
Madonna Interview with TVAM - Part 1
Mike Morris talks two Michael Jackson fans
Madonna Interview on TVAM -part 4
Madonna Interviiew on TVAM - Part 3
DepechMode join Julie Brown for a interview
Elton John sings a Chrsitmas jingle
Tommu Boyd has a telephone intervew with David Bowie
Lizzie Gives her daily excercsie routine
Billy Idol talks about his son Willem
Mike Morris Interviews Nelson Mandela
Part 4 of Cher Interview
Margaret Thatcher Talks to TVAM about hostages in Beruit
The IRA planted a bomb underneath a minibus at the Army Recruiting Centre in Wembley, which detonated killing Sgt Charles Chapman and injuring four others
Fisrt part of Interview with Billy Idol
Nina Simone talks to Nick Owen
Intervew with Martin Sheen
Elton John talls to Anne Diamond about meeting Bernie Taupin and sings Your song
Billy Idol talks about becoming a international star
Kelly Dingwall now known as Kelly Dale talks to Richard Keyes and Lorriane Kelly
David Bowie talks to Paul Gambaccini
Lizzie Gives her daily excercsie routine
Erasure Performing on the Wide Awake Club
Intervew with Martin Sheen
Billy Idol Interview
Lizzie Webb gives the country a 5 minute workout
Ulrika Jonsson give the daily weather forecast
Madonna Interview on TVAM - Part 2
TVAM opening credits
Dr Hillary Jones talks about allergies and how to deal with them
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