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LAX Airport 1960s
LAX - Los Angeles International Airport - 4K
LAX Airport 1980s-1990s
4K LAX Airport: Static shot from window of Tom Bradley Terminal
Suadia Airlines Plane taxiing LAX 4K
4K LAX Airport: Plane taxiing along runway
LAX - American Airlines plane taking off - long shot - 4K
LAX - Wide view Los Angeles International Airport - 4K
GVS LAX - Los Angeles International Airport - 4K
Small private jet in flight over LAX 4K
4K LAX Airport: POV from airplane along tarmac
4K LAX Airport: Plane into gate past Cathay Pacific Jet
4K LAX Airport: Fedex and Delta hangars seen from moving plane
Japan Airlines Plane taking off from LAX. 4K
4K LAX Airport: Static wide shot over wing of Tom Bradley terminal buildings
Small commercial jet in flight over LAX 4K
Suadia Airlines Plane taxiing LAX 4K
4K LAX Airport: POV from airplane window taxiing towards gate
4K LA Labor dispute: Police line road by LAX protest
4K LA Labor dispute: Slow pan of crowd by LAX sign
4K LAX Airport: Virgin Atlantic plane at gate with luggage driven past
4K LAX Airport: Virgin Atlantic plane at gate
4K LA Labor dispute: Low angle crowd on streets by LAX
4K LAX Airport: Static wide of curved roofs of Tom Bradley Terminal from plane
4K LAX Airport: POV from window slowly past airliners at gates
4K LAX Airport: Window view over runways
Large seated protest in street in from of LAX
4K LAX Airport: POV from window past Virgin Atlantic jet at terminal gate
4K LAX Airport: POV from airplane window taxiing past curved terminal roofs
4K LA Labor dispute: Wide of crowd by LAX sign
4K LA Labor dispute: Protesters seated on road by LAX
Large labor protest in street in from of LAX entrance
4K LAX Airport: Plane into gate past Virgin Atlantic
4K LA Labor dispute: Crowd on streets by LAX
4K LAX Airport: Fedex warehouse seen from moving plane
4K LAX Airport: Window view as plane taxiing along runway
4K LAX Airport: POV of Tom Bradley terminal from window
4K LA Labor dispute: Protestors sat blocking street into LAX
4K LAX Airport: Window view over wing as plane along runway
4K LAX Airport: Wide shot of runway with plane and crews along
4K LA Labor dispute: Police line road by LAX as protesters sit
Window view: Plane coming in and landing at LAX
Spinning Radar and pan to airplane landing. 4K
4K POV Airplane window: Flying through clouds into LAX at night
LAPD removing protesters at demonstration
Hundreds of LAPD officers preparing to remove protestors
4K Labor dispute: Protestors seated chanting for Justice
4K LA Labor dispute: Man leading chant in crowd
4K Labor dispute: Protestors sit on road obstructing traffic
4K LA Labor dispute: Slow pan of sit-in protest in middle of road
4K LA Labor dispute: Media with protestors on ground
4K Labor dispute: Police woman in riot gear
Large number of LAPD officers preparing to remove protestors
4K Labor dispute: Protesters sat in street
4K Labor dispute: Police preparing to remove protestors
4K LA Labor dispute: View of large number of police assembling
Huge numbers of LAPD removing protesters at demonstration
4K LA Labor dispute: Policeman with rubber bullet gun
NBC News camera and LAPD in riot gear
4K LA Labor dispute: Local 11 Union placard
4K LA Labor dispute: Wide of protest as police move in
4K Labor dispute: Handheld down line of riot police
4K Labor dispute: Wide of protestors seated flanked by LAPD
4K Labor dispute: LAPD officers arrive en masse
4K Labor dispute protest: Protestors face line of police
4K Labor dispute: Line of protestors seated back to back
4K Labor dispute: Policeman in riot gear
4K LA Labor dispute: Large numbers of protesters on sidewalk
4K LA Labor dispute: Line of police and protestors
4K LA Labor dispute: LAPD move into control protest
4K LA Labor dispute: View of woman holding placard
4K Labor dispute: Protestors under sign for Sepulveda Blvd
4K Labor dispute: Mostly female protestors chanting in front of street
LAPD handcuffing and arresting protestor
Home movie of trip to Los Angeles 1967
Window view: Plane flies over Los Angeles to land
4K Airplane window POV: Snow covered Sierra Nevadas with plane wing
Aircraft View: Los Angeles urban sprawl below
4K POV Airplane window: Flying over San Fernando Valley at night
Window view: Plane flies over San Fernando Valley
4K POV Airplane window: Flying through clouds and Los Angeles freeway at night
4K POV Airplane window: Flying right through clouds over LA at night
Planes taking off and landing in the USA in the 60's
4K POV Airplane window: Flying over Los Angeles sprawl at night
Airports & Airplane Interiors 1990s-2000s
4K Airplane window POV: Virgin Atlantic wing tip in sunlight over snowy Sierra Nevadas
4K Airplane window POV: Virgin wing tip as sun hits
4K Airplane window POV: Snow covered Sierra Nevadas and virgin Atlantic wing tip
4K POV Airplane window: Flying over Los Angeles sprawl at night
4K Airplane window POV: Snow covered Sierra Nevadas
Aircraft View: Plane flies over San Fernando Valley
4K Airplane window POV: Virgin wing tip as sun hits
4K POV Airplane window: Flying over Los Angeles in clouds at night
4K POV Airplane window: Flying into Los Angeles Airport at night
Window view: Plane flies over Los Angeles
4K POV Airplane window: Flying over Los Angeles at night
Hollywood in 1984
Los Angeles, HD Contemporary
Los Angeles 1970s
POV from Car - El Segundo Beach and Santa Monica
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