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We found 257 clips for your query
Indian Army soldier with rifle at checkpoint in Kashmir, India
Super Slomo past Indian army soldier on edge of Lake Dal, Srinagar, India
4K Indian Army soldiers with rifles on streets of Srinagar, Kashmir
Military soldier staring at camera. Srinagar, India. 4K
Super Slomo POV from car approaching at military soldier at Dal Lake, Srinagar, India. 4K
Super Slomo past soldiers at military checkpoint in Srinagar, India. 4K
Army Ranger Training
Army return surprise mom teacher classroom
Soildiers dancing
Vietnam War
Home movie of holiday in Denmark 1976
Vietnam HD 1969
WWII Draft
Vietnam War B-Roll
Military soldier patrolling grounds of tourist gardens in Srinagar, India. 4K
Military soldiers patrolling grounds of tourist gardens in Srinagar, India. 4K
Driving past soldiers and military vehicle towards airport in Srinagar, Kashmir, India.
Military with machine gun at checkpoint in Srinagar, Kashmir India.
Military Checkpoint in Srinagar, Kashmir India.
Slomo past Military Checkpoint in Srinagar, Kashmir India.
Military soldier standing outside in streets of Srinagar India patrolling. 4K
POV driving of Military soldier and armoured truck by side of street in Srinagar, India. 4K
Military soldier standing outside in streets of Srinagar India patrolling. 4K
Superslomo of Tuk Tuk in Srinagar, Kashmir India.
Screener World In action - An Island at War
Handheld POV driving of Military soldier and armoured truck by side of street in Srinagar, India. 4K
POV driving of Military soldiers by side of street in Srinagar, India. 4K
Military soldiers by side of street in Srinagar, India. 4K
Screener - World in Action- Congo
Woman in full burka with armed military on streets of Kashmir, India. 4K
Looking at military checkpoint in Dal Lake, Sringar, India
Military checkpoint and armoured truck by side of street. POV through car window in Srinagar, India. 4K
Military personnel on streets super slomo POV from car. Kashmir, India 4K
GV's of Belfast
Super slomo POV driving past military police and streets in Sringar, India
Tet Offensive
POV driving past military checkpoint in Dal Lake, Sringar, India
Armored Military Truck along streets of busy Srinagar, Kashmir, India 4K
Super slomo POV driving past military checkpoint in Dal Lake, Sringar, India
Soldiers training
Police armoured vehicle past and rickshaw on streets in Sringar, India
Screener- Days of Majesty
Soldiers with tanks
Crew manning anti aircraft gun on boat
Soldiers marching
Prisoners marching
Soldiers with tanks
Prisoners walking
Irish Guards marching on street
Prisoners marching
Soldier operating searchlight
Dog wants to join in army parade
Soldier braking wooden stick
Salvation army store theft
US Army in Germany 1950s-1960s
Coming home reunion army woman surprise
Army Nurses
Street traffic including several army vehicles
Finnish Army NH90 Helicopter Shooting Dozens of Flares (Awesome)
Army return home surprise cheerleader high school football
Army Nurses
Jack Good Interview
American Soldiers Train in Panama
Screener - Exposure: Gaddafi and the IRA
2K Safdarjung Tomb: Armed soldier with machine gun
D-Day Wounded
Building the Border Wall
California National Guard, Los Angeles
Building the Border Wall
Tiny Drone
Wartime Nurses War Bonds
High Mobility Rocket Systems
Building the Border Wall
London During World War II
Sacramento National Guard
Border Wall Construction
Burma Refugees
Border Wall Construction
Border Wall Time-Lapse
Iraq Embassy
Border Wall Construction
Border Wall Construction
Border Wall Construction
Border Wall Time-Lapse
Home movie of tour around London 1967
Afghanistan American Solders
Tony Clarke talks about his controversial book Contact
War in Afghanistan
The IRA planted a bomb underneath a minibus at the Army Recruiting Centre in Wembley, which detonated killing Sgt Charles Chapman and injuring four others
Screener End of Empire The Beginning of the End
Hedy Lamarr
USS Cole Bombing
Vietnam Helicopter and Troops
Hitler & Nazis
Trump's National Defense Authorization Act
San Onofre Nuclear Power Station, CA - 4k B-Roll
San Onofre Nuclear Power Station, CA - 4k B-Roll
Yom Kippur War
Screener - World In Action - Anthony Mascarenhas
People react to 9/11
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