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We found 16480 clips for your query
Dog sitting up eating a watremelon
Dog enjoys his watermelon
Police dog training - Dog helps trainer
Seal tries to kiss young girl
Smoking chimp
Elephant wants his milk
tigers mum sends baby to her room
Lizard enteratins himself playing with his refelction in a mirror
Dog with Cup stuck on his mouth
Dog standing and dancing in water
Bear Eating a sandwhich
Dog acting like a human
Woman washes man while fully clothed in shower
new presenter blooper something falls infront of her
Boys prank girls
Man gets cake in his face while lying in bed
man rows down starirs in canoe
Man climbs out of fridge
Tom crusie eat your heart out
Washing clothes in bath tub
Soildiers dancing
Stealing pumpkins, but getting stuck in a fence
Dancing out of a window
Falling asleep in a ceremony
Man tried to get break a bottle over a ship and gets hit in the face
Only iron when you need to
Dinning underwater
when some one parks their car and and blocks you in
A skeleton turns into a boy weightlifting
Stealing apples
DIY Fail, falls into swimming pool
watching a ice hockey game fail
Playing a ball game with family…. Don’t take a break and lean on a tree
Don’t sit on end of bath talking on your mobile phone
Dog jumps on tree brach with man, branch breaks
Bride falls down stairs
Boy tries to Somersault fail
Paraglyding into cows fail
Paragliding trying to land, going straight into a van
Man gives persentation and blind falls down to show people half dressesed
music performce curtian wont shut
Practising the organ agaisnt a wall
Dog sing along to piano music
Making music from a chair
When you don’t want to get out of bed and to lazy to get dressed
micrphone wont stay up for perfomance
Santa plays the trumpet with his foot
Dog wants to join in army parade
Man's trousers fall down during performance
When throwing a snowball goes wrong
Dog takes a ride on a horse
Rowing on ice and enjoying yourself
Playing Volleyball and ball gets stuck in roof
There is always someonetrying to upstage you
Playing Judo and trouseres falls down
Playing chess and your opponent falls asleep CHEAT!
when you want to win a arm wrestle
Never film on the end of a diving board
Goat does not like owner smoking
Dog wearing sunglasses
Horse doesn’t like to be touched
Cat stuck in glass jar
Bear in a car
Dog wants to get involved with party game
Boy teases Dog he falls into bucket
Dog doesn’t want to smoke
When dogs go to the hairdressers
Baby & Monkey playing with each other
Tortise carrying a frog on his back
Dog Gym
Dog acting human
Cat enjoys listening to classical music
Dog loves jazz music
Cat climbing through window
Cat enjoying a massage with a microphone
Monkey eating a banana
Cat sharing mans breakfast
Is it a Dog or Human???
Dog driving a motorbike
Man Carrying bear
When two goats go to war
Cat won't let me eat!
Monkey steals my bottle of water
Baby can't stop dancing
Chimpanzee smoking
Cat puts out candle
Dog pulls trousers down of girl
Cat wearing wolley hat falls asleep
Dog wont let go of baby
Baby playing with snake
Cat putting out candle on birthday cale
Monkey drinking vodka
Dog smoking near cat
Bird riding a bike & rollerskating
Hedgehog with can stuck on its back
Monley drinking Vodka with his friends at the beach
Monkey with tin can on his head
Monkey steals glasses
Budgie perched on finger while woman works
Monkey urinating in river
Beetle playing with car
Cow doesn’t want to be milked
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